Aide de Camp

Aide de Camp
"I don't care if you are in a hurry monsieur!"

Monday, 1 February 2021

Changing Tastes

Dutch Lancers of the Imperial Guard

   I painted these lancers about 30 years ago. At the time, I liked the style of the Old Glory figures and other 18mm figures as opposed to the true 15mm ones partly because of the detail and partly because of the variety in the poses of figures. However, as the ranges increased, so too did the scale and the exaggeration of poses.

  Maybe it's an age thing -nostalgia for a less commercialized era of wargaming, but I've now reverted to the older, more regimented style of figures. Apart from anything else they tend to be cheaper. What many gamers don't seem to realise is that you don't need top price figures if the paint job is right, but get it wrong and even the best miniatures look rotten.

  I'm now rebuilding my collection around some practically antique Heritage/Empire miniatures I've had for donkey's years. I've stripped them down to bare metal, drilled out hands with broken swords and lances and replaced them with staples and "Liquid Green Stuff" They look good as new now. The Austrians will be part of my "Army of Bohemia" and the French will become Neapolitan infantry when I get them sorted.

  I don't suppose I'll ever let anyone see this record, but if I do, it's an attempt to pass on a bit of practical advice on preparing for games rather than actually playing them -painting figures, constructing scenery, some ideas on rules, increasing "fog of war" in games (something I love!) and campaigns.

  Hopefully, I will be able to show how anyone can turn out an army and table to be proud of.
At it's peak, my collection reached over 10,000 figures, but as other gamers were always asking if they could buy whatever unit and I could never say no, I must have painted 100s of 1000s of figures over the years. I've probably used just about every make of figure there is at one time or another too.
Follow the simple methods I show to end up with results as good as those on my photos. I  know I'm not the World's greatest painter or scenery builder, but what I can show is achievable by all.

Restored Heritage Austrian Hussars

Lancashire Games Austrian generals

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