Aide de Camp

Aide de Camp
"I don't care if you are in a hurry monsieur!"

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Revolution to Regency #1 The Army "Lists".

Part 7: Army Lists 1787-1799

These lists are designed to be used with any rules but are tailored towards my own preference of a figure scale of around 1:30, so unit sizes in figures are rounded off to reflect that and provide equal sized companies within them. For players using other figure scales, take the unit strength and divide by whatever figure you need. I have not based these lists on the Futtal al Mujahaddin, as it forms its' own lists in a way and it is doubtful whether its' organisation was ever fully achieved.

These "lists" represent the army available at the time stated rather than those allowed under any "points systems." The first entry in each section is for the actual army and that following the unit sizes at 30/33:1

Illustration 89: Tipu on the march

Haider Ali's field army in 1771

I have included this brief description of Haider's army despite its' being outside the area of interest.

Having completed the equipments of his army, Haider resolved to make trial of his good fortune and military skill against Trimbuc Mama, with a force of:-

12,000 good horse,

15,000 regular infantry,

10,000 peons, or irregular infantry armed with match-locks or pikes, 40

field guns.”

On the eve of the 3rd Anglo-Mysore War,

(1789) the army's strength was:-

3,000 irregular horse

5,000 regular horse

3,000 looties (Pindarries?)

48,000 regular infantry

10,000 Ahmadi (POW) or asad-ilahi infantry

60,000 peons armed with matchlocks and swords

3,000 pikemen

AHQ:- Haider Ali or Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

4x regular infantry cushoons of 12x 800 risala with musket and bayonet,

(26 figs) each with 1 to 5x 18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant

attached to artillery and Sipahdar (commandant) mounted on elephant.

14x 700 Ahmadi (POW) or asad-ilahi infantry, (24 figs) low class musket

and bayonet regulars (good quality if asad ilahi.)

4x regular infantry cushoons of 12x 700 risala (24 figs) irregular peons

with matchlock and sword, each with 2x 18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1

elephant attached to artillery and Sipahdar (commandant) mounted on

elephant. These units fire slowly but are good shots.

2x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 500 (16 figs) regular horse with

carbine, sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr mule drawn

galloper guns attached. Sipahdars (commandant) may be mounted on

horse or elephant.

Illustration 90: Loading Tufghengis (matchlock rifles.) That one of these men is loading kneeling implies some sort of skirmish capability.

2x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 300 (10 figs) irregular horse with

matchlock, sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 3 pdr mule drawn

galloper guns attached. Sipahdars (commandant) mounted on horse

10x cavalry mokums of 300 (10 figs) irregular looties (Pindarries?)with

lance, bow sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 6 pdr mule drawn

horse artillery guns attached. Sipahdars (commandant) mounted on


10x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus 1x elephant

attached to each battery.

Illustration 91: The battle of Pollilur

During the 3rd Anglo-Mysore War.

The army's strength was:-

18,000 horse

50,000 regular infantry

100,000 irregular infantry employed in garrisons and collecting revenue.

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

2x 720 elite sepoys (24 figs) with musket and bayonet, sword shield.

Zumrah Gumrah (Tiger Grenadiers)

4x regular infantry cushoons of 12x 800 risala with musket and bayonet,

(26 figs) each with 1 to 5x 18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant

attached to artillery and Sipahdar (commandant) mounted on elephant.

4x irregular infantry cushoons of 12x 800 risala with musket or

matchlock and sword, (26 figs) each with 2x 18pdr ox drawn guns plus

Illustration 92: Seringapatam

1 elephant attached to artillery and Sipahdar (commandant) mounted on

elephant (these units are mostly on garrison or revenue collection duty)

4x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 450 regular horse with carbine,

sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr mule drawn galloper guns

attached. Sipahdars (commandant) may be mounted on horse or


4x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 450 irregular horse with

matchlock/bow, spear and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 6pdr limbered

and mule drawn horse artillery attached. Sipahdars (commandant) may

be mounted on horse or elephant.

10x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus 1x elephant

attached to each battery

After the Treaty of Seringapatam in 1792

The army's strength was:-

7,000 regular horse

6,000 irregular horse

30,000 regular infantry

5,300 revenue peons

36,000 cundachars (tax collectors?)

2,000 artillery

Illustration 93: The storming of Seringapatam

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

4x Cushoons of regular infantry with musket and bayonet, each of:-

12 risalas (battalions) cushoons at 625 men per risala (20 figs.) each

cushoon has 400 rocketeers (12 figs) attached. Each cushoon has 1 to 5

x18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant attached to artillery and

Sipahdar (commandant) mounted on elephant.

16x risalas 300 revenue peons spear and shield some bows

6x cushoons each of 12 risalas x 600 cundachars (tax collectors?) spear,

shield some bows

Illustration 94: The North entrance to Mangalore fort

4x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 360 (12 figs) regular horse with

carbine, sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr mule drawn

galloper guns attached. Sipahdars (commandant) may be mounted on

horse or elephant.

4x cavalry cushoons of 5 mokums of 290 (10 figs) irregular horse with

matchlock/bow, lance, sword and shield. Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr

mule drawn galloper guns attached. Sipahdar (commandant) mounted

on horse

Each cushoon has 2x 6pdr limbered and mule drawn horse artillery

attached Sipahdars (commandant) mounted on horse.

10x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus1x elephant

attached to each battery.

Illustration 95: Tipu says goodbye to his sons as they are sent to Cornwallis

By 1794

The army's strength was:-

6,450 regular horse

7,500 irregular horse

360 independent horse

23,800 infantry

12,000 infantry garrisoning Seringapatam, Bednur, Chitaldrug and

other places

3,500 artillery including rockets

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on Elephant

4x regular infantry cushoons of 12x 495 risala with musket and bayonet,

(16 figs) each with a juq of 200 rocketeers attached (6 figs) and 1 to 5x 18

pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant attached to artillery and Sipahdar

(commandant) mounted on elephant.

Illustration 96: The British army encamped outside Sholingar

2x risalas 500 rocketeers (16 figs)

24x risalas 500 irregulars in garrison with matchlocks, bows,

sword/spears (16 figs)

1x mokum 360 bargir armoured heavy cavalry.spear matchlock shield and

sword. (12 figs)

4x cushoons of 5 mokums of 300 regular cavalry, sword, lance carbine

(10 figs). Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr mule drawn galloper guns attached.

Sipahdars (commanders) mounted on horses.

1x mokum of 300 regular cavalry, carbine, sword. (10 figs)

5x cushoons of 5 mokums 300 irregular cavalry, spear, matchlock/ bow,

sword and shield (10 figs) Each cushoon has 3x 6pdr limbered and mule

drawn horse artillery attached. Sipahdars (commanders) mounted on


17x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus1x elephant

attached to each battery

On the eve of the 4th Anglo-Mysore War,

The army's strength was:-

3,502 regular horse

9,392 irregular horse

23,483 regular infantry

6,209 regular militia

4,747 matchlock-men and peons

NOTE.  The "Peons" were regarded as light infantry with skirmish capabilities. They were used to hunting in the forests and were said to be excellent marksmen. The range and accuracy of the  matchlocks were much feared.

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

2x 625 risala elite sepoy Tiger Grenadiers, (20 figs) Musket, bayonet and

melee weapons with 1x juq 200 rocketeers (6 figs) attached

Illustration 97: Tipu's sons being welcomed by Cornwallis

1x 625 risala elite Zumrah Gumrah, sword, shield and melee weapons

4x regular infantry cushoons of 12x 500 risala with musket and bayonet,

(16 figs) + 1x juq 200 rocketeers each with 1 to 5x 18 pdr ox drawn guns

plus 1 elephant attached to artillery and Bakhshi (commandant)

mounted on elephant

10x 600 regular militia risalas, matchlock, sword. Half may have bows

instead (20 figs)

4x 500 man risalas, matchlock and sword (16 figs)

5x 500 man risalas, spear, shield (16 figs)

4x cushoons of 5 x risalas 200 regular horse, sword, shield, carbine (6

figs) Each cushoon has 2x 3pdr mule drawn galloper guns attached.

silhadar (commandant) may be mounted on horse or elephant.

20x 360 silhadar irregular cavalry with sword, lance, bow/matchlock

(12 figs) Every 5 mokums have 2x 6pdr limbered and mule drawn horse

artillery attached. If grouped mokums have Bakhshi (commandant)

mounted on horse

4x 360 irregular heavy cavalry, armour, sword, lance, shield,

matchlock/bow (12 figs) Every 5 mokums have 3x 6pdr limbered and

mule drawn horse artillery attached. If grouped mokums have Bakhshi

(commandant) mounted on horse

10x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus1x elephant

attached to each battery

Illustration 98: Mysorean troops

July 1798

The army in 1798 consisted of:-

30,000 regular infantry

4,000 Ahmadi (POW) or asad-ilahi infantry

15,000 pikemen

8,000 peons armed with matchlocks and swords

6,000 pioneers

6,000 regular horse

7,000 irregular horse

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

1x 625 risala elite sepoy Tiger Grenadiers, Musket, bayonet and melee

weapons with 1x juq 200 rocketeers (6 figs) attached

1x 625 risala elite Zumrah Gumrah, sword, shield and melee weapons

4x Cutcheries of regular infantry with musket and bayonet, each of

6x 2 risala (battalion) cushoons (regiments) at 625 men per risala (20

figs.) each cushoon has 200 rocketeers (6 figs) attached. Each cutchery

has 1 to 5 x18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant attached to artillery

and Bakhshi (commandant) mounted on elephant

3x cushoons of 2 risalas of 625 men Ahmadi (POW) or asad-ilahi infantry

(20 figs)

24x risalas of 625 pikemen (20 figs.)

10x risalas of 800 peons (matchlock and sword) (26 figs)

10x risalas of 600 pioneers (20 figs)

4x cavalry cutcheries of 5 mokums of 300 regular horse with carbine,

sword and shield.

Each cutchery has 2x 3pdr mule drawn galloper guns attached. Bakhshi

(commandant) may be mounted on horse or elephant.

20x mokums of 300 irregular horse with lance shield and sword. Every 5

mokums have 2x 6pdr limbered and mule drawn horse artillery

attached. Grouped mokums have Bakhshi (commandant) mounted on


2x mokums heavy cavalry of 500 bargir (16 figs) armour, lance, sword,


15x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus 1x elephant

attached to each battery

Illustration 99: Haider Ali

In “Wellingon's Campaigns in India” RG Burton gives the following

information on the army during the 4th Anglo-Mysore War:-

To-oppose the British Army he (Tipu) had a force of some 76,000 men,

well armed and equipped, and composed as follows:—

Regular Cavalry 6,000

Irregular Cavalry 7,000

Guards (Slaves) 4,000

Regular Infantry 30,000

Pikemen 16,000

Carnatic Peons 8,000

Pioneers 6,000

These numbers include the lascars and gunners. Each regiment

of regular horse had two three-pounder galloper guns, and each body

of irregular horse had three six-pounders ; these were drawn by mules.

Each infantry brigade had two eighteen-pounders. Each brigade

had an elephant attached to it, to assist the guns through difficulties.

AHQ:- Tipu Sultan mounted on elephant

4x Cutcheries of regular infantry with musket and bayonet, each of

6x 2 risala (battalion) cushoons (regiments) at 625 men per risala (20

figs.) each cushoon has 200 rocketeers (6 figs) attached. Each cutchery

has 1 to 5x 18 pdr ox drawn guns plus 1 elephant attached to artillery

and Bakhshi (commandant) mounted on elephant

3x cushoons of 2 risalas of 625 regular Gardi infantry (20 figs) consisting

of 1 cushoon Tiger Grenadiers musket, bayonet, sword and shield, 1 of

Zumrah-Gumrah with sword shield, matchlock and 1 of sepoy with

musket and bayonet.

20x risalas of 720 irregular pikemen (24figs.)

10x risalas of 720 irregular Carnatic peons with matchlock sword and

shield (24figs.)

10x risalas of 600 peasant levy pioneers (20 figs)

4x cavalry cutcheries of 5 mokums of 300 regular horse with carbine,

sword and shield. Each cutchery has 2x 3pdr mule drawn galloper guns

attached. Bakhshi (commandant) may be mounted on horse or elephant.

20x mokums of 300 irregular horse with lance shield and sword. Every 5

mokums have 3x 6pdr limbered and mule drawn horse artillery

attached. Grouped mokums have Bakhshi (commandant) mounted on


2x mokums heavy cavalry of 500 bargir (16 figs) armour, lance, sword,


15 x batteries of 3-6 ox drawn 9-24pdr field guns plus1x elephant

attached to each battery.

Illustration 100: Defenders of Seringapatam

Illustration 101: Mysorean troops

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